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뉴미디어연구회_1차(2013.1.23)_Henry Jenkins

2014-07-17 01:33:43

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뉴미디어연구회 ￿ 1차 모임 자료입니다

Henry ￿ Jenkins: Convergence Culture: Introduction-3장

1) ￿ 교재: Jenkins, H. (2006) Convergence Culture: Where old and new media collide. New ￿ York University Press: New York.  Introduction - 3장
2) ￿ 일시: 2013.01.23 오전 11시 중앙대

Convergence ￿ Culture
- ￿ Introduction: Worship at the Altar of Convergence: A new Paradigm for ￿ Understanding Media Change 
- ￿ Chapter 1: Spoiling Survivor : The  Anatomy of Knowledge ￿ Community
- ￿ Chapter 2: Buying into American Idol: How we are being sold on reality ￿ television
- ￿ Chapter 3: Searching for the Origami Unicorn: The Matrix and transmedia ￿ storytelling