
학술활동 정기학술대회

[SBS, 한국방송공사 후원] 가을철 정기 학술 대회 'Consumer Response to Crisis'

2014-07-16 10:10:59

276 view

Running ￿ head: INVOLVEMENT, CRISIS 

Consumer ￿ Response to Crisis: Exploring the Concept of Involvement in Mattel’s Product ￿ Recalls

Yoonhyeung ￿ Choi, Ph.D.
Hanyang ￿ Unviersity

Ying-Hsuan ￿ Lin, M.A.
PRIME ￿ Research

Correspondence ￿ to: 
Yoonhyeung ￿ Choi, Ph.D.
Assistant ￿ Professor
Department ￿ of Public Relations 
Hanyang ￿ University
Ansan, ￿ Korea
Voice: ￿ 031.400.5423
Email: yoonhyeung@hanyang.ac.kr